Friday, December 13, 2019

Game of Life

why do I want to be passionate or driven?
to achieve my potential, to be at my best. 
awareness -> understanding.

my life is about getting validation of others but I have seen that happens when I am highly dissatisfied from my self. Getting other's validation was never my ultimate goal, it was always filling in for me to achieve my personal best. I am my biggest critic and satisfying my own self is the toughest. When I disappoint myself enough, I give up on myself and drown into the miseries of overeating, oversleeping and other pleasures which sends me on a guilt trip. That is like taking advantage of myself. When I work for my satisfaction, I am the happiest, fullest. 

right now, I don't what I want to do exactly but I realised in engineering that my interest lies in making things happen. the satisfaction after a successful event, after an exam I studied for and won and even, a cricket game in mobile that I won gives me satisfaction. It's like setting myself up for some goal and making it happen. 

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