Friday, June 24, 2016

What is Hippie and Counterculture Part 2

Imagine being free, however afraid you may feel at one point about having freedom its captivating once it happens! You get addicted to being free and boy, they envy you! The World doesnt like these people coz they are jealous of your freedom! So, shake off your notions and get willing to think about all of what you knew was a hippie again...

If life is a coin, it has got two sides, its the one side of the coin we tend to stay on for most of our lifetime, this side represents the existential part, the thickest part of consciousness, your usual thinking and usual life! However even such a person witnesses those moments of glory when he is high. It can be being at a place where no one is, it could be taking a stand and being in minority, listening to a song that fills your soul, getting applauded for a long effort or breakup or sex or that food... these things and experiences come with momentary satisfaction and Wow moments and now you know what i am talking about|!

 A hippie realizes the existence of these subtle magical moments in life and starts changing himself and his environment until he achieves constant euphoria. Yes, This is the zone where they want to stay coz this is what is the greatest reward to human kind by the superior  powers and not college,jobs,families!

Here steps in Marijuana, LSD and acid, as soon as you have anything of it, you witness a different layer of your consciousness and the reality around you changes, the structured reality changes only leaving some strange intangible stories mixed up. When you are high, the reality breaks itself and you realize theres more to life than a job, getting married and dying old with some education. You realize that what you call creativity and imagination is taking control of you right now and you can see millions of opportunities in your distorted reality. Nothing is moderate for you, for moderation is adopted baby of mediocrity and you look around to realize the beauty of highness! Thats where drugs comes in, to bend the reality and see those corners of it that are hidden uptil then! Where does music come from? Music while specially playing an instrument well has got a unique high feeling to it, thats because the cause and its effect are very close to happening and you realize you can assert yourself and give language to your internal expressions. A guitar player can make his guitar speak for him and tell others how he is feeling in a matter of selection of a few chords. No doubt in seconds you will be feeling the same. People like Estas Tonne and other hundreds alike are found on streets with guitars, you look at them and see how peaceful they are and thats what attract you towards them! They experience their high in music and the co-ordinated control of fingers, mind, guitar strings and soul! Some performing artists never turn to money and fame and we feel they are fools but they arent, they are hippies who know what they do and why they do it! Money, you will realize when you earn some stays as important for us only until we havent had a bit and spent a bit only to realize its more of an escape route to my depressions until i dont use it favorably, its just a tOOl!

Fasting is Hippie, theres some high you feel when your belly is empty for days. You can try sleep deprivation, not speaking for too many days in a row, try speaking very very fast, singing sitting at a height looking down, travelling alone and  meeting new people, being poet or for that matter taking something in your life to another level of extremeness. Being irrational is the first step to be successful as Mark twain mentions Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. This is reality that our reality is limited and if you feel you have lost the control to elements in life and want to regain all of it, turn your heads on being a hippy! The foreigners who leave their businesses and families and come to india journeying Haridwar and Nainital arent mad, they represent to us a developed society yet they do it, why? they know with developments comes restriction and worldly factors. Real freedom into anything requires great courage and work which they do by coming to a distant land and experiencing aloofness.

So as you turn hippier, you will find more people alike and then together you people will form a counter-culture yet to be seen in India but mind you, however strange hippies can get, a hippie isnt dangerous to anyone. Those arent serial killers but free individuals, free of hatred and all worldly non sense that binds you. They are very ambitious people and have a purpose in life, if nothing than to experience an all time high! Most of them, most of them ends up having a great career and family and biographies are written not one but thousand articles to understand what led to his success and heights? While the answer is he saw reality differently, the truth is he embraced the counter culture and let it grow on him!!!

We are told to live a very narrowed life with limited Wow moments, they are right coz a person without monitoring may turn evil into the influence of drugs, women and counter-culture but mind you, a true hippie knows what he is doing! He wont unnecessarily drug himself, wont create chaos, wont jump like a monkey making girls pregnant, ultimately he is a monk. He defines himself some principles and let these principles drive him throughout life. He sees himself as special and hence alone. He strives for good and perfect and shows  fairness and faith. So, smart and highest human-form is a hippie and sure there are confused souls who turn evilish due to lack of purpose. Isnt it normal to find such people too? And again, being a hippie isnt about exterior clothes or your money level, they are everywhere in every form and counter culture isnt about a group of people in manali, they are offices too, schools and in malls, everywhere!

Creativity is having different experiences than the rest and connecting them in a way no one can, intellect is zooming out of a place to be able to look clearly where the dots are and a hippie is meant to be intellectual and creative. He expresses himself however he can, he supports good vibes and quietly leaves where he feels negative. The worlds one home and we are here to be happy, whatever makes you happy should last longer and sadness and sad people should be forced out and yes, as the last step to be a hippie you have to cultivate a desire and later a purpose in you for which you want to change the world and make it a better place to live in!!! A hippie knows in his expression lies the positivity to get something productive done! He bring revolution and a Hippie isnt one if he doesnt want to bring change. 

And as it goes -

Like a true Nature’s child, we were born, born to be wild.
~ Steppenwolf ( Canadian Hippie Rock Band)

So let the less worn path be taken and yeah, dont forget you guitar!

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