I am recently having alot of heart-breaks because of people. Its not their fault but my over-reliance on them! When you tend to be too much expecting and too much demanding, they start behaving differently to you. Thats a great problem we all face. People create plans, back-bitch, make fun of you, leave you alone and tag you with names! People take up your mental stability and play football with it. Amazing!
Now in this selfish world, you need to have something everybody needs. Something you can share and everybody is devoid of it. And then everybody will love you and you will win people. or I don't know what? just be good at life and never ever leave a person who loves you without asking much, also be someone who believes that such true people exist. be one of them and when people say you are just being too nice, tell them this is how everyone is! trust in the eternal goodness of this planet and trust everyone is nice.
i mean it is what you think it is. let people come and go at will. so here is the message ekla cholo, walk alone but only when no ones there, don't push people and walk alone but have the strength to walk alone when no ones there.
plus i feel everything we do is for people. everything. some people are dying out of loneliness, please also be someone who can be approached during those harsh moments and be someone who can ignite in someones mind the hope to stay happy... just be good!
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