Thursday, October 20, 2016


One is me rest is mine. My people, my places, my goods, my life, my choice... my problems, my smile! It seems like i am selfish to the core! but theres something else that happens too...

my love... this love separates you from my so quickly that you feel it was a lie you were living with for so many years! You are sitting, everything you call yours is alongside, have it have it have it!!! but you don't want to have it anymore... what? why? isn't this all you need... selfish!

No!!! I want that feeling... that feeling where i was... i was complete! you know complete? haaaahh i feel so relaxed kind of feeling! That feeling to have which you can trade your everything, everything, existence! That feeling is so fine that you close your eyes and say - i feel so peaceful inside and i think i will sleep but i won't let myself sleep for if i sleep i might lose this feeling! This feeling isn't about the time when hero chases heroine, not about the time when heroine leaves the hero, it is about the time when heroine lies next to our hero. When she is sleeping next to him and you are sitting beside supporting her... when your own arm hurts by her weight but you are flying. 

One is life, one is the way this life works, one is you and one is your love! love is your neutral state. Imagine you reach in a class and sit there for years continuously, everything that was rubbish to you at first is offered to you as the obvious truth, you fail to grasp it and then others laugh at you, spit at you even try and harm you, they do it until you aren't one of them... the same!!! now even if you go out of the class, you have changed and you will behave differently! Its fine but what if thats not the truth, what if truth is what you had at first place, before entering the class? 

It isn't the most profitable thing to fall in love but it is the greatest experience of ones life, human life! It is why you are here, to love someone so deeply so madly that you become unafraid, you become selfish so as to know where your benefit lies - in her smile, in her satisfaction, in her life! 

Are you really selfish?

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