I feel devastated. I feel lost and I don't have energy for anything.
The reason is mostly my job. If I think harder, the reason is not having a clear sense of direction within job and then within life. My job doesn't seem to add to it. Until last week, I thought I was setup for a challenging but huge responsibility. It was taken away, again!
I don't know where I am setting up myself for. There is one part of my brain that says I should look for switches, but switching will shake my life too much too early. I feel like coming to Bangalore was a big challenge and I have done well at this. I don't want to make this decision look pale or unworthy this quickly.
There is that same part of brain that asked me to look for a business idea but I know I am not ready for it, mentally and financially.
There is the other part of my brain that asks me to focus on the good, stay connected and try to have a good time at job, while also earning loads of money this next year. Pay off major chunk of my debt. Bring that 15.86 to 4 or 5 and look try different things.
Karishma has a different viewpoint but I strongly want this debt to go and go very quickly and that's the only thing I am clear about. That's why affinity towards sticking to the job is more.
I know the one year will pass real quick. I know more opportunities will come up. My work ex is increasing and I don't want to make any dumb decision at this point. It is my big fear that I will lose everything and come back to square one where I am unable to do anything. Maybe life happens beyond that, just how it happened in 12th grade.
I need some energy as of now. To try these new things, to change the scene at job and to earn those extra bucks somewhere. I need to be going now. New things are waiting.